Use Case

Case 1: Overbooking a leave Entitlement

The employee Anna Smith has a leave entitlement for the absence type Vacation for 28 days for the current year 2020. For this year she plans to go on a long summer holiday overseas. Therefore, she makes a leave request from 1 July 2020 to 9 August 2020 which uses up her whole vacation entitlement of 28 days. While she is on holiday her flight back home gets cancelled and the next flight is only available in 5 days. Therefore, she has to extend her vacation. Her HR Manager approves the request. Now Anna has taken 33 days of leave and her leave entitlement with 28 days is overbooked by 5 days.

What happens to Anna's leave summary?

Before this Roll Up 31, the "Taken" value of the entitlement was updated to 33 days and the "Remaining" value was updated to 5 days negative.

With the new update, the leave summary looks like below. As you can see, the vacation entitlement with 28 days is not overbooked anymore. It is only A new entitlement with 0 days containing the overbooked amount of days is created automatically. Also, this means that a leave allocation is created for every overbooked leave request that automatically creates a new leave entitlement with the amount of zero.

To find out how offsetting a negative leave entitlement with an additionally granted entitlement works, please go to Case 1a. To find out what a case looks like when the negative leave is carried forward to the next fiscal year, please refer to Case 1b.

Case 1.a: Offsetting a negative leave entitlement with an additional entitlement

After Anna is back from her holiday she has her annual performance review in autumn. In order to acknowledge her hard work, Anna's HR Manager grants her an additional 6 days of vacation. As she still owes the company 5 days from her prolonged summer holiday, she does not receive the full entitlement of 6 days. The new entitlement immediately gets offset against the negative remaining entitlement. Therefore, only one day that is leftover remains as vacation entitlement available for Anna to use.

Case 1.b: Offsetting a carried forward negative leave entitlement with newly rolled out annual leave

For her prolonged summer holiday, Anna owes the company 5 days of leave. As explained above, this entitlement is set to "Transfer To New Period", so it will get carried forward to the next fiscal year 2021. At the beginning of the next fiscal year, her new annual leave entitlement of 28 days of vacation is rolled out. However, because she still owes the company 5 days from the year 2020…

… this entitlement will be carried forward and get offset against her newly rolled out annual leave entitlement of 28 days. As the negative leave is immediately deducted from her new positive entitlement, she can only use 23 days of vacation in 2021. This is what the leave summary looks like:

As you can see, the positive entitlement of 28 days is used as "Offset From" and balances out Anna's negative remaining days.